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Description : Paperback. Pub Date :2011-11-01 Pages: 12 Language: English Publisher: Workman Publishing Company The seasons whirl past in a vibrant flurry of blossoms. clovers. shells. sunflowers. pinecones. gourds. holly. snowflakes and evergreens to use all year 'round! Enough signs of the seasons to satisfy even the most active imaginations! The freshest stickers nature has to offer! Each EyeLike Stickers book features over 400 reusable stickers from the natural world. Your kids will use them to mix. match . trade. collect. and create their own stunning artwork! Perfect for journals. scrapbooks. craft projects. homework assignments and so much more. From spotted leopards to baby ducks. giant polar bears to tiny snails. your child will delight in the beauty of the world's many animals.
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